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  • sgshrimppearlruby

Preparation of setting up a Freshwater Shrimp Nano Tank

I am totally new to freshwater shrimp keeping and after spending weeks / months of doing some research, I have decided to venture into keeping Caridina Pure Red Line (PRL).

I have decided to learn from a local reputable shrimp shop - Madshrimp to setup my 1st Caridina Shrimp tank as well as to get the PRL shrimp from Madshrimp after the tank is fully cycled.

Attached are the items that I bought from Madshrimp to kick-start the cycling process of my 1st Caridna Shrimp tank. I am using Distilled water as a start for the cycling process and planning for the whole cycling process to take about 8 - 10 weeks.

Following are some of the thoughts for my initial setup :

1. Decided on 1 type of shrimp to kick-start the hobby to stay focus 2. Patient is a key success factor - take you time to go through the full cycle process for a duration of 8 - 10 weeks 3. Focus on Quality rather than Quantity 4. Do not mix diff types of shrimp in the same tank 5. Learn and follow the setup information from whichever shrimp shop that you plan to buy the shrimp from

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